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Top News im Juli 2001

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Polish Atari meeting at the weekend (18.07.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

An Atari meeting will be held in Steszew from 20 to 22 July. Although mainly Polish fans will be there, those who are still looking for a place to go for this summer weekend are very welcome and can also bring their Atari. Unfortunately, the homepage of the "Steszew 2001" is only available in Polish, but a map is available.
st-computer is represented on site by our Polish colleague Rafal Kawecki. (tr)


Order fonts online (17.07.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

Thanks to Calamus, Atari platforms are still highly regarded in the professional DTP sector. A new online service from Agfa Monotype is interesting for layout designers. Under the simple name "", high-quality fonts can be ordered. The fonts are sorted according to various criteria such as style and designer and are displayed in the respective typeface with all available letters, numbers and special characters. (tr)


New monitor for multimedia applications (17.07.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

More and more computer users also use their computers together with a TV card (e.g. Milan with GEM TV). To accommodate this development, iiyama has now released a monitor that can be switched to the brightness of a colour TV at the touch of a button. This brightens the picture by 128%. These values are also pleasant for games and multimedia applications.
Otherwise, the unit knows how to deliver standard performance. The vertical frequency is 50 - 160 Hz, the horizontal frequency 30 - 70 KHz with a video bandwidth of 130 MHz. The strip mask has a spacing of 0.25 mm. The Vision Master Pro 1412 LM702UC will be available in Germany from August for DM 699. (tr)


Fun with Drive (17.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The Sparkasse inaugurated the first Drive In counter a few weeks ago. Gunnar Gröbel has developed a little fun programme to explain to male and female customers how to use the new terminal. But be careful: humour is a prerequisite for downloading! (tr)


AtMenu 1.4 (17.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

AtMenu is a small tool that brings the functionality of the Apple menu to the Atari. After starting it, the well-known Atari "Fuji" logo is entered in the upper right corner of the menu. If the logo is clicked, a transparent menu opens showing the contents of the AtMenu folder. Now the corresponding program can be started by selecting an entry. In addition, a list of the most recently used applications can be displayed.
The contribution to this year's "Little Big Competition" is constantly being developed further, so that version 1.4 has now been released. Since the first release, e.g. mini-icons in the menus (with query of the entered jinnee icons) and an English translation have been added.
AtMenu is freeware (76.5 KBytes), the source code is available on request. An Atari system with MagiC or N.AES and NVDI 5.x is required to run AtMenu. (tr)


New programming language for the Atari: PILOT (17.07.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

PILOT (Programmed Inquiry, Learning, Or Teaching) is a language mainly for developing conversations with computers. It is a complete, easy-to-learn language. The classic "hello world" looks like this:

T: Hello World

The implementation for the Atari is a conversion of the "Taylor PILOT" from 1985. Since not much has changed in the language design since then, and Pilot is largely standardised, this version can be considered complete. The program is a TOS program without a GEM interface. Pilot programs can be written in any text editor. An example program and the source code of PILOT Atari are included.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

New phone numbers for falkemedia (16.07.2001 - 11:10 Uhr)

The telephone numbers of falkemedia have changed. From now on, you can reach our publishing house at 04 31-200 766-0. Please send fax messages to 200 766-1. The editorial office of st-computer can still be reached daily from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 at 0 43 31-84 93 37 (fax 84 99 69). (tr)


Jagulator 1.5.0 (16.07.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

The Jagulator project has made it its goal to emulate the Atari Jaguar on Win 9x systems. Version 1.5.0 has just been released and is still a beta version. However, if you want to know more about the development status of the project, you can find a downloadable version plus some demo files on the Jagulator website. (tr)


Icon Extract in version 1.1 (16.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Icon Extract started as an entry for the "Little Big Competition" and is now available in the heavily revised version 1.1. The program converts Windows pictograms in various colour depths for the Atari system. New features include support for icons in 24-bit colour depth. Icon Extract impresses with a modern user interface. (tr)


CoMa 5.3.0 (16.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The communication manager "CoMa" is now available in the new version 5.3.0 on the homepage of the Berlin development company Softbär. A new field for mobile phone numbers with the corresponding placeholder has been added. The time period for sending fax jobs is adjustable. In addition, the resolution for fax messages can be set in fax-on-demand. In addition, there are the usual bug fixes. The update for customers who have owned the program for more than 6 months costs DM 30. All others can download it free of charge.
For new customers, summer prices with up to 31 % price advantage are still valid until 30 September. The standard version of CoMa then costs only DM 49 (otherwise DM 69), CoMa Voice is available for DM 89 (otherwise DM 119) and CoMa Professional for DM 139 (otherwise DM 199). (tr)


Telnet mailbox for Atari online (16.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Even in times of the Internet, many users of alternative computer systems appreciate classic mailbox systems for their clarity. Now there is the new mailbox "The Grove" all about the Atari. The special thing about it is that it is also open to Internet users via Telnet client.
Several Telnet clients are available for the Atari. For I-Connect, for example, there is the very good program Teli. TelVT102 is suitable for STiK/STinG users. (tr)


Steem Engine in version 1.6 (16.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The free STE emulator Steem is now available in version 1.6 for Windows systems. The long waiting time was used for extensive extensions and bug fixes. For example, emulation for the serial interface and ROM modules is now available. A complete list of the new features can be found on the developers' website. (tr)


Atari800Win PLus 2.8 (16.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Atari800Win PLus is an Atari XL-/XE emulator for Windows systems. Version 2.8 is now available for download. (tr)


News from Anodyne (16.07.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)

Anodyne Software continues to work on its current Atari products. The driver package ExtenDOS Gold has been updated to version 3.3D. Above all, the integration of the SCSIDRV software interface has been optimised. This makes it possible for programs using ExtenDOS (CD Writer, CDbackup, CD InScriptOr) to use SCSI CD-ROMs and writers on any system on which SCSIDRV is installed. This is ensured, for example, by the HDDriver. In addition, ATAPI-/EIDE-CD-ROMs and recorders can be used. The CDaudio program has also been improved and its user interface has been revised.
There is also news from the CD Writer Suite. Version 2 is in the works and offers MP3 support and cooperation with the CD Extra format as an outstanding feature. The update is expected at the end of this month. (tr)


FalcAMP online competition (16.07.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)

FalcAMP is an MP3 player for the Atari Falcon that makes active use of the DSP of the wonder bird. To make the program even more attractive, the developers of FalcAMP have called for an online competition to design the most beautiful interface. Although FalcAMP does not support skins from the PC, Mac or Amiga world, it can be changed quite easily by modifying the resource file. The competition is divided into compos for interfaces with 16 (standard system palette) or 256 colours (NVDI system palette). The exact conditions for participation in the competition, which runs until 11 August, can be found on the FalcAMP website. (tr)


Fading Twilight II (13.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

The scene group ".tSCc." is currently working on the second "Fading Twilight" CD. Fading Twilight contains mods from the Atari Scene from games or demos. There is also a demand for own compositions. It is important that these tunes were created directly on Atari hardware, i.e. on VCS, Lynx, Jaguar, XL/XE, ST, STE, TT or Falcon. The following formats can be submitted:

  • MPLayer 3 (MP3)
  • SID (PLAYSID format only)

The PROTRACKER format is preferred. Those who do not yet own the "Fading Twilight I" CD can order it from MC Laser. (tr)


FalcAMP 1.08 (12.07.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

FalcAMP is an MP3 player for the Atari Falcon that uses the DSP. Version 1.08 of the program is now available. The speed of many plug-ins has been improved. In addition, the RSC file has been revised. FalcAMP is still freeware. (tr)


Marijuana Mail 0.1.61 BETA (12.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Marijuana Mail is a simple eMail client especially developed for "small" Atari systems. The program already works on a standard ST with only 1 MB RAM; no hard disk, multitasking OS or similar is needed. Marijuana contains its own viewer and editor for mails, supports the MIME standard, decodes attachments in Base64 format, includes convenient sorting methods and can manage a total of new user profiles, all of which can access their own address book. The program supports STiK or STiNG as a stack and is currently still available in a free beta version. (tr)


Tales Of Tamar is looking for alpha testers (12.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The role-playing adventure "Tales Of Tamar" is now available for internal alpha testers in version 0.20. In the role of ruler, first tasks such as feeding the people, controlling population growth or even setting taxes can now be fulfilled. ToT is the first computer game to connect the Atari, Amiga and PC platforms. The development team is still accepting alpha testers for all three systems. So ask your acquaintances if they have PCs or Amigas and compete with them in the fantasy world. Who is the better strategist? (tr)


dhs announces new online competition (12.07.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)

The "dead hackers society" has announced a new online competition to revive the currently dormant Atari demoscene. Deadline for entries is 16 September. Details can be found on the dhs homepage. (tr)


Documentation for ColdFire 4e (12.07.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)

Motorola will not ship the new ColdFire 4e, which the xTOS team had chosen for the Pegasus, until the second quarter of 2002, but documentation is available now. It should be noted that the ColdFire 4e is not - as many claim - completely compatible with the 68k processor series. In the link below you can download the documentation in PDF format. (tr)


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Current issue
Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


*Atari ColdFire Project
*Amiga Future
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*Atari Public Domain Serien
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*The Atari Museum


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