2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner 2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner

AtMenu 1.4 (17.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

AtMenu is a small tool that brings the functionality of the Apple menu to the Atari. After starting it, the well-known Atari "Fuji" logo is entered in the upper right corner of the menu. If the logo is clicked, a transparent menu opens showing the contents of the AtMenu folder. Now the corresponding program can be started by selecting an entry. In addition, a list of the most recently used applications can be displayed.
The contribution to this year's "Little Big Competition" is constantly being developed further, so that version 1.4 has now been released. Since the first release, e.g. mini-icons in the menus (with query of the entered jinnee icons) and an English translation have been added.
AtMenu is freeware (76.5 KBytes), the source code is available on request. An Atari system with MagiC or N.AES and NVDI 5.x is required to run AtMenu. (tr)

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