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z26 version 1.46 released (31.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

z26 is an Atari VCS 2600 emulator for Windows systems. The current version is number 1.46. Many bug fixes have been made. You can find z26 and its source code on the developer's website. (tr)



Wau Holland passed away (31.07.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)

We'll remember you.Wau Holland, co-founder and senior president of the Chaos Computer Club, died in the early hours of last Sunday morning as a result of a stroke suffered in May, aged 49.

As a TAZ correspondent, Wau Holland reported on the emerging computer underground early on in 1983. In February 1984, he gave the hackers the first issue of "Datenschleuder" and later introduced the nascent "Chaos Computer Club" in it. The "galactic association without fixed structures" became famous all of a sudden when it relieved the Hamburg Sparkasse of 135,000 marks with an "electronic bank robbery" in the just-launched BTX system. The two editions of the "Hacker Bible" published by the CCC also contributed to the popularisation.

The word "hacker" appeared in the colloquial language and the bearded, dungaree-wearing Wau Holland embodied this type for many, promoted by numerous television appearances. The fact that the data artist saw himself much more as a critic of insecure computer structures and opaque computer networks was willingly ignored throughout his life.

"With us into the future!" was a slogan co-invented by Wau Holland for the Chaos Computer Club. That future will now have to take place without him.

Source: heise online

Two more programming languages... (30.07.2001 - 04:10 Uhr)

...come spilling onto the Atari from our hobby porter Mia Jaap. This time it's the languages Thue and Rube II. As always, source code, sample programs and a language reference are included. Masochists will also find the version for MS-DOS this time.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

Joe 1.48 (30.07.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

The HTML editor Joe is now available in version 1.48. The update contains some bug fixes. A localised version is also available for download. (tr)

Joe homepage


Team jersey of Olympique Lyonnais (29.07.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)

Atari-Soccer In the last few days we have received an increasing number of enquiries about obtaining the team jersey of the French first division team "Olympique Lyonnais". Atari and its rights holder Infogrames are one of the main sponsors of the team. Under the link below, the jersey can now be ordered online in the various sizes. If desired, the names and numbers of the individual players can be flocked on the back. The player who is best known in Germany is probably the Dane Patrick Anderson.

The price of the jersey in all sizes is EUR 65.40, which is just under DM 130. This is certainly a great present for all Atari fans. Of course, we will also keep you informed about the results of the Atari team's championship matches in the coming weeks. However, the start of the season went wrong. They lost 0 - 2 away against Lens. (tr)

Online shop of Olympique Lyonnais


3 new programming languages for Atari (29.07.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)

Mia Jaap's new hobby seems to be porting unusual programming languages that weave a knot in every developer's brain to the Atari. After Pilot and Wierd (we reported) she now published the languages Dis, Malbolge and Fromage. The source code, sample programs and a language reference are enclosed in each case. More information and descriptions of the programming languages can be found on Mia Jaap's homepage.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

Photos of the Steszew 2001 (27.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

FanshirtThe Atari meeting "Steszew 2001" took place in Poland last weekend. You can find pictures of the event at the address below. (tr)

Steszew 2001


Unconventional 2k1 (27.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

As every year, the Unconventional 2k1 is an important event in the Atari scene. The meeting will take place from 07 to 09 September in the Schützenhaus in Lengenfeld. The entrance is free. Mainly Atari (8-bit and 16/32-bit) and Acorn systems will be represented. Sceners from all over Europe are expected. (tr)

Unconventional 2k1


undercoverMagacene (27.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

On the homepage of the scene group ".tSCc" you can find the current issue 21 of the Atari scene magazine "undercoverMagacene". The issue was produced at the Scene party "Error in Line 2001". The magazine is available for download and online. (tr)

undercover Magascene


FonTools demo v2.0 for Calamus (26.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

SL The first module demos of the very popular font tool FonTools v2.0 for the DTP professional Calamus are ready. You can find them now in the download area of invers Software in the module demos and in the category "modules". After the summer break invers will also provide the demos in French, Dutch and Czech which are not quite ready yet.

If you have not yet worked with the FonTools or if you have not yet discovered the improvements of v2.0 compared to the first version, you should definitely take a look at the FonTools now. This font tool is not only practical when it comes to retrofitting the Euro sign in your fonts.

By the way, the FonTools are currently offered on the website of invers Software for the summer price of DM 149 instead of DM 199. (tr)

invers Software


MyMail in German (26.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

MyMail is one of the best e-mail clients for the Atari. It requires StiK or STinG as access software. The program by the Swede Erik Häll is regularly maintained. Bernd Mädicke has now localised the program. The German resource file is available on the MyMail homepage. Childishly, the site is not accessible with Microsoft Internet Explorer. (tr)



Book about the Atari Lynx (26.07.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

On the homepage of the "Atari Times" an ambitious project is currently underway that aims to publish a book about the Atari Lynx. This book is supposed to contain information about the hardware and presentations of games as well as tips & tricks. Whoever wants to contribute to the project and can write good English texts should contact Gregory D. George. (tr)

Lynx Guide


JagFree CD (26.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Jaguar Songbird Productions will be present at the "Classic Gaming Expo" trade show to be held in Las Vegas on 10 and 11 August. As Carl Forhan from Songbird announced, they will present games for the Atari Lynx and the Atari Jaguar on a large exhibition area. They are also planning a museum with rare products for these consoles. Songbird will present the racing game "Championship Rally" for the Lynx and "Protector SE", the successor of the successful space shooter Protector, for the Jaguar. Protector includes new graphics, levels, sounds and game improvements. Protector SE is scheduled for release in the autumn of this year.

Protector SE will also be the first cartridge for the Atari Jaguar to include the "JagFree CD" option. This allows new, non-encrypted CD games to be played, which should reduce production and retail prices. Songbird is also considering releasing the JagFree CD code so that other game developers can take advantage of this development. (tr)


Songbird Productions

Tales Of Tamar 0.22 (26.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The role-playing game "Tales Of Tamar" for the Atari, Amiga and PC systems continues to make progress. The Atari version is now available in version 0.22. We are still looking for testers for the program. (tr)

Tales Of Tamar


Mac Life with Atari TOS on CD (25.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

Mac Life 07 The current issue 07-08/2001 of the Apple trade magazine "Mac Life" is only available in stores for 6 more days (until 31.07.2001). Special for Atari fans: the magazine contains a CD-ROM with an original Atari TOS 2.06 as well as a freeware Atari emulator for Mac OS. So if you want to get your hands on an original TOS licence or the complete emulation package for only DM 9.50 in the shops, it is best to grab it quickly. Afterwards, orders can be placed for DM 10 including shipping. (ag)

falkemedia Shop

Cuttle Cart (24.07.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)

The "Cuttle Card" is a cartridge for the Atari VCS 2600 that offers freely usable memory for games. The Cuttle Card is connected to a CD-ROM via an audio interface, for example. From there, ROM images can be copied into the cartridge. This means that the numerous prototypes and new developments for the VCS 2600, which were previously only usable under emulation, can finally be played directly on the original Atari hardware.

The price for the Cuttle Card is 100 US dollars. Pre-orders are now being accepted as legal problems have been solved. (tr)

The Cuttle Card


JagFest 2002 (24.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

Jaguar The next "JagFest", an annual gathering of fans of the Atari Jaguar game console, will take place in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, in summer 2002. So if you don't have a destination for your next summer holiday yet, you should consider the "Gateway to the West". Numerous fans and some new releases for Atari's 64-bit feline predator are expected again. (tr)

JagFest 2002


Four-F: A new game for the ST (24.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

"Four-F" is a new puzzle game for the Atari ST. It runs in "ST Low" resolution and therefore requires a colour monitor. Four-F is comparable to the Lynx and PC classic "Chip's Challenge". The aim is to collect objects in various levels in order to reach the next level. Various obstacles and traps must be avoided. A total of 100 levels are available to explore. In addition, there is a level editor and a screen saver.

Four-F is completely programmed in STOS Basic. The game is 95 % finished. A release can be expected before the end of the year. A preview with first screenshots can be found on the pages of the "Atari Times". (tr)



New dhs layout (24.07.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

The websites of the "dead hackers society" are now shining in new splendour. Navigation and clarity have also been improved. (tr)

dead hackers society


Merlancia Industries is hiring (24.07.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)

Merlancia Industries, the company behind the planned multi-OS computer "Tsunami" (among other things, a TOS customisation is planned), is currently recruiting in the following areas:

  • Graphics & Design
  • Development (hardware, software and firmware)
  • Marketing & PR

Detailed information can be found on Merlancia's website. (tr)

Merlancia Industries.


Disks banned in Afghanistan (23.07.2001 - 11:10 Uhr)

From the "Comedy in Kabul" section: Even minimalists who still strictly refuse to give their Atari ST a hard drive are no longer welcome in Afghanistan: Indeed, the list of things banned in Afghanistan has grown a little longer again. After the use of the internet was recently banned, floppy disks have now landed on the index. From now on, chess and card games, lipstick, ties, fashion journals, music cassettes and instruments as well as wigs made of human hair are also considered "un-Islamic". Border guards have been instructed to confiscate such items. No Afghan is allowed to own satellite dishes any more either. At least for TV, no one would have been able to do anything with them, because television had been abolished a long time ago. Afghanistan thus has little chance of attaining a top position in the eternal hit list of nations with the highest fun factor. (tr)

Source: heise news


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15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
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>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
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>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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