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Lynx and Jaguar owners already know Songbird as a company that bought and eventually released games that were developed but never released. The company also offers newly developed games for the two cats of prey. But now the company enters new territory: It has acquired some rights to well-known Lynx and Jaguar games, as Songbird announced on AtariAge.
This includes all games from HandMade Software with the exception of Kasumi Ninja. HandMade had developed several games for Atari, including Awesome Golf, Battlezone 2000, Dracula The Undead and Malibu Bikini Volleyball. Songbird now also owns Gordo 106 (Tenth Planet Software), Super Skweek (Loriciel) and Othello (Harry Dodgson). With Battlemorph from Attention to Detail, Songbird has also acquired a high-quality Jaguar brand.
Othello and Loopz (HandMade Software) were already distributed by Songbird. Short term plans for the remaining games do not exist, Songbird also does not own the source code for the games. Battlezone (rights are now held by Rebellion) and Skweek (Loriciel) are licensed for older Atari systems, respectively the Lynx version.
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