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After a six-year break, the maxYMiser chip tune tracker is back with a new version. MaxYMiser tries to get as much out of the ST's YM/AY sound chip as possible, using all the modern techniques developed by chip tune artists in recent years, including SID waveforms. In addition to the three channels of the sound chip, the DMA sound of the Atari STE is also supported. The tracker also communicates with the MIDI world and should be compatible with every CPU from 68000 to 68060. Developer gwEm is a chiptune musician himself and has programmed, besides maxYMiser, a VST plug-in for PC-DAWs and the DJ software STj.
maxYMiser has the suffix "High" in the version number. This does not refer to the MIDI latency adjustments, but to the support for the high resolution of the Ataris. In 640x400, however, maxYMiser is not a different program - neither the pixels are used for a particularly sharp display, nor is there more to see on the SM124. It is rather a concession to the musicians, who usually run the ST with a monochrome monitor and now do not need to connect a color monitor for the chip tune tracker. On higher color resolutions - for example the VGA resolution of the Falcon - maxYMiser switches to the low resolution.
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