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Last shipment of Atari hardware arriving soon! (01.04.2021 - 19:22 Uhr)Another ship from Asia is expected in Rotterdam soon, with a cargo that Atari fans have been waiting for a long time, more precisely: for over 25 years. Atari never had a good hand with deliveries by ship, numerous launches had to be postponed, delivery promises had to be shortened. "A ship will come" was also mocked in ST-Computer. But it was always only a matter of a few weeks or months. One ship, however, showed up in the Atari accounts as a total loss: The Ppallijuseyo had departed with the last hardware production on board - the goods would have brought Atari urgently needed capital for the Jaguar. However, the ship did not live up to its name. Scholars are already celebrating the slowest ship of all time as a silent time capsule. Filled with pallets of Falcon 030 computers, gray power pads, several hundred TTs and 8281 ST Books, the supplies Atari dealers have been waiting 30 years for are finally arriving. We at ST-Computer are also happy to welcome back our old advertisers. So Atari fans can now create a free spot on their desk for the coveted Falcon 030 or the ST Book. The Ppallijuseyo is currently heading for the Suez Canal, queue position 260. |
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