Lots of choice for those who like it unusual but Atari-compatible: Suska, MIST, FireBee and now the Kiwi. Kiwi is a 68k homebrew computer, a new computer system that could have been created in the 80s and early 90s. Simon Ferber's project is an unusual mixture: The 8/32 bit CPU 68008 from the Sinclair QL, the SID sound chip from the C64 and the Yamaha V9900 video chip, which was originally intended for the next generation of MSX computers and reaches almost Falcon level with up to 32768 colors, sprites and hardware blitter. From Atari's point of view, the porting of EmuTOS is interesting; simple TOS applications already run.
The Kiwi Homebrew Computer Kit is available now for 333.33 Euros - presumably an allusion to the Apple I, which sold for 666.66 US dollars in 1976. Unlike FireBee, Suska and MIST, the Kiwi is not fully assembled and is not intended for electronics beginners. It also requires some additional parts like RAM, SID chip and power supply.