2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner 2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner

GEMGUILib for Nana C++ (30.11.2020 - 23:43 Uhr)

These are posts that cause head shaking for those who have had the "pleasure" of writing a GEM application: The demand to simply put the GEM user interface on a new operating system substructure - which is not a good idea, because GEM stems from a completely different era.

With GEMGUILib you can at least pretend to. The library uses the Nana C++ Library for the design of user interfaces and is roughly oriented on the look of TOS 4.x/MultiTOS. So there is a reunion with alert boxes, 3D buttons and window widgets with shading. In practice, such an app feels more like an application that pretends to be a GEM application - but there were plenty of those on the Atari, too...

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Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
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>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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