CPX modules are indispensable for configuring Ataris. Unfortunately, the only open source CPX server, COPS, has one disadvantage: It depends on the operating system extension WDIALOG. But now there are efforts to eliminate this dependency from COPS, and the updated version is part of the FreeMint snapshot builds. Developer Thorsten Otto points out that certain CPX modules that require MagiC or WDIALOG functionality will still depend on these two programs.
COPS appeared as an alternative to Atari's XControl and is compatible with its CPC modules. Additionally, COPS has its own CPX format with variable window size, the CPXe modules. The latter did not catch on like the other modular alternatives (EPXE and HPG). zControl was more oriented towards XControl, Freedom2 combined an alternative file selector with a CPX server. However, the source code of these two programs was never released.