No more MagiC cubed: Apple Computers has officially announced that production of the Power Mac G4 Cube has ceased. While there is a small chance that a successor model to the cube computer will appear in the long term, it is not expected in the near future. Commenting on the discontinuation of the underperforming computer, Philipp Schiller, Apple's vice president of worldwide product marketing, said: "Cube owners love their Cube, but most customers are more likely to choose our Power Mac G4 in a mini tower."
The Cube marks the end of a design period that Apple's CEO Steve Jobs ushered in back in the early 1990s with his Next Cube. Industry insiders cited the G4 Cube's inflated launch price, technical problems and lack of expansion options as reasons for its failure.
With its official declaration, Apple also removed the Cube from its online stores. So anyone who still wants to have the Cube can at most still succeed at an Apple dealer. (tr)