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Top News im Dezember 2020

In honor of Ostrowski: GFA Editor 3.70 (09.12.2020 - 18:42 Uhr)

Today would be Frank Ostrowski's birthday, the creator of Turbo Basic and GFA-Basic. In honor of Ostrowski, Lonny Pursell has officially removed the "beta" suffix from the GFA Editor. In addition, the development system now presents itself by its version number as the legitimate successor of the legendary Basic.

GBE 3.7 offers about 500 new commands and functions, including all previously missing AES/BIOS/XBIOS/VDI/GEMDOS calls. MiNTNet, LDG, STiK and the protocols Font, DHST and AV are supported. There are also some general additions, inspired by HiSoft BASIC, GFA PC or by various developers who worked with GBE in the last years.

GBE was created because GFA Basic does not run well in multitasking. The editor runs exclusively with multitasking systems, but is also suitable for writing games and demos. Latest example for a GFA program created with GBE: Randomazer.


Lonny Pursell - ENCOM

More News im Dezember 2020

Songbird announces 2D RPG for Jaguar (20.12.2020 - 20:06 Uhr)

Pessimistic Jaguar fans look at the screenshots and wonder when this game was released for the ST. Kings of Edom, however, is not an ST port, but a new development for Jaguar. Both visually and gameplay-wise, the title is definitely retro: In 2D optics, the player descends deeper and deeper into the dungeon. There are role-playing elements, but Kings of Edom is primarily a true Rogue-like game. Players can therefore expect randomly placed treasures, traps and enemies. The game is scheduled for release in Summer 2021.


AtariAge starts presale for new VCS and 8-bit games (17.12.2020 - 22:19 Uhr)

Once a year AtariAge dumps a whole bunch of new games into their store, usually with high quality packaging. This year there were a few delays and the shipping will also be next year. As many as 13 games for the VCS2600 are launching, one each for 5200 and 7800, and two for Atari's 8-bit computers. Prices range from $40 to $50, and shipping is from the US.

  • Avalanche (2600)
  • Cannonhead Clash (2600)
  • Dare Devil (2600)
  • Deepstone Catacomb (2600)
  • Hugohunt (2600)
  • Ms. Galactopus (2600)
  • Ninjish Guy in Low-Res World (2600)
  • Panic! Rooms (2600)
  • Robot City (2600)
  • The End (2600)
  • Tower of Rubble (2600)
  • Venture Reloaded (2600)
  • Zoo Keeper (2600)
  • Magical Fairy Force (5200)
  • Dragon's Cache (7800)
  • Adventure II XE (400/800/XL/XE)
  • Scramble (400/800/XL/XE)



C-Compiler AHCC in version 6.0 (11.12.2020 - 01:42 Uhr)

There is again an update to report, namely to AHCC, the C compiler and editor based on Sozobon, which is compatible to a large extent to Pure C. AHCC is getting closer to this standard with this update. An interesting footnote is that now for the first time all included binaries have been compiled with AHCC and not Pure C. As usual AHCC is available as source code or compiled for 68000, 68020+ and Coldfire.


Henk Robbers

In honor of Ostrowski: GFA Editor 3.70 (09.12.2020 - 18:42 Uhr)

Today would be Frank Ostrowski's birthday, the creator of Turbo Basic and GFA-Basic. In honor of Ostrowski, Lonny Pursell has officially removed the "beta" suffix from the GFA Editor. In addition, the development system now presents itself by its version number as the legitimate successor of the legendary Basic.

GBE 3.7 offers about 500 new commands and functions, including all previously missing AES/BIOS/XBIOS/VDI/GEMDOS calls. MiNTNet, LDG, STiK and the protocols Font, DHST and AV are supported. There are also some general additions, inspired by HiSoft BASIC, GFA PC or by various developers who worked with GBE in the last years.

GBE was created because GFA Basic does not run well in multitasking. The editor runs exclusively with multitasking systems, but is also suitable for writing games and demos. Latest example for a GFA program created with GBE: Randomazer.


Lonny Pursell - ENCOM

EmuTOS 1.0.1 with Falcon fix (06.12.2020 - 12:18 Uhr)

Compared to EmuTOS 1.0 there is only one change: On an Atari Falcon with 4 MB RAM, when using the 512k ROM version of EmuTOS, a Nova graphics card was erroneously detected. This caused a panic during boot, preventing the use of the 512k ROM version of EmuTOS 1.0 on such a machine.



LynXmas 2020 Game Jam (01.12.2020 - 00:50 Uhr)

Please warm up the Assembler and C-Compiler, because Lynx developers are again invited to participate in a contest. The contest is organized by Atari Gamer, AtariAge, ejagfest and SillyVenture - both will not take place this year. There are only fifteen days left to develop something that "puts a smile on the face of the players". The site is a bit more specific: the game should have a theme appropriate to the season, be less than 32 KB in size and play on a single screen.


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Current issue
Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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