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Top News im November 2020

ST-Computer 07/2020 - Now as a PDF! (22.11.2020 - 20:45 Uhr)

It's time, issue 07/2020 of ST-Computer is now available as a PDF for download. The highlight of the issue is a comprehensive overview of hardware extensions that can be purchased regularly in online stores. Meanwhile, developer Thomas Ilg delights friends of hectic puzzle games with his Randomazer. Anticipation is the most beautiful joy namely for a pandemic-free future, in which ejagfest and OFAM may take place again. These and many more topics in the current issue.


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More News im November 2020

GEMGUILib for Nana C++ (30.11.2020 - 23:43 Uhr)

These are posts that cause head shaking for those who have had the "pleasure" of writing a GEM application: The demand to simply put the GEM user interface on a new operating system substructure - which is not a good idea, because GEM stems from a completely different era.

With GEMGUILib you can at least pretend to. The library uses the Nana C++ Library for the design of user interfaces and is roughly oriented on the look of TOS 4.x/MultiTOS. So there is a reunion with alert boxes, 3D buttons and window widgets with shading. In practice, such an app feels more like an application that pretends to be a GEM application - but there were plenty of those on the Atari, too...


Hatari 2.3 released (29.11.2020 - 11:24 Uhr)

The ST/E/TT/Falcon emulator Hatari has been updated. The release notes of version 2.3 are long, but most of them are small changes or bug fixes. A major change is the revised Blitter emulation, which should come closer to the original. There were fewer changes in the Falcon emulation, although some demos (Electric Night, E.K.O. System) now work better. Hatari 2.3.0 is available with its own intro and precompiled for macOS and Windows 32/64 bit, other systems should follow in the next weeks.


EmuTOS is learning color icons (28.11.2020 - 22:23 Uhr)

After the release of version 1.0, the free operating system EmuTOS is making rapid progress: For the first time color icons are supported by the 256 and 512 KB version of EmuTOS in the current developer version. The built-in desktop EmuDesk does not yet benefit from this, but programs that do not use their own routines for color icons do. These are for example Holger Weets GEM game NoMess, but also HypView in version 0.40. Atari once introduced color icons with AES 3.3 (TOS 4.x), together with further extensions (submenus, popup menus, 3D look).



Hatari 2.3 released (28.11.2020 - 12:11 Uhr)

The ST/E/TT/Falcon emulator Hatari has been updated. The release notes of version 2.3 are long, but most of them are small changes or bug fixes. A major change is the revised Blitter emulation which should be closer to the original. There were less changes in the Falcon emulation, although some demos (Electric Night, E.K.O. System) run better now. Hatari 2.3.0 is available with its own intro and precompiled for macOS and Windows 32/64 bit, other systems should follow in the next weeks.


ST-Computer 07/2020 - Now as a PDF! (22.11.2020 - 20:45 Uhr)

It's time, issue 07/2020 of ST-Computer is now available as a PDF for download. The highlight of the issue is a comprehensive overview of hardware extensions that can be purchased regularly in online stores. Meanwhile, developer Thomas Ilg delights friends of hectic puzzle games with his Randomazer. Anticipation is the most beautiful joy namely for a pandemic-free future, in which ejagfest and OFAM may take place again. These and many more topics in the current issue.


ST-Computer: Aktuelle Ausgabe

ejagfest 2020 cancelled (12.11.2020 - 12:17 Uhr)

The ejagfest 2020 was already cancelled on September 20. The reason is of course the Corona pandemic and the associated protective measures, which are problematic for indoor events. In particular, events like ejagfest and HomeCon thrive on the fact that many like-minded people stay in one room, exchange ideas and play together. Hygiene concepts similar to some retro flea markets - one-way traffic with a lot of distance between the booths - would not be feasible. Whoever would like to support ejagfest with a small amount of money can do so via eBay and Amazon partner links on the website.


European Atari Jaguar Festival (ejag)
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Current issue
Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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