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Top News im September 2001Marathon 2.0 (18.09.2001 - 13:15 Uhr)Mit Marathon 2.0 steht nun seit Version 1.7 eine neue, in vielen Punkten verbesserte Version des E-Mail-Clients aus dem Draconis-Paket zur Verfügung. In diese Version wurden zahlreiche Wünsche der Anwender integriert, damit Marathon 2.0 mehr ist als ein einfacher E-Mail-Client. Hinzugekommen sind vor allem Funktionen, um die Archivierung und Verwaltung von Nachrichten noch komfortabler und einfacher zu gestalten. Aber auch an neuen Funktionen wurde nicht gespart. Damit sind nun viele der Features auch auf dem Atari verfügbar, die es bisher nur auf PC und Mac gab. So können nun z.B. alle Nachrichten in einer Baumstruktur verwaltet werden, wie das auch bisher schon bei manch anderen Mail-Programm üblich war. Durch die Verschachtelung von Ordnern, Unterordnern und Postfächern ist es möglich sich eine geordnete Ablage zur organisieren. Außerdem können in der Baumstruktur nun "Identitäten" verwaltet werden. Damit können Sie sich verschiedene Konfigurationsprofile erzeugen. Dieses kann für die Erstellung von verschiedenen Konfigurationen für einen Anbieter aber auch in verschiedensten Konfiguration für verschiedene Anbieter gelten. Um das oftmals aufwändige Heraussuchen von Empfängeradressen zu umgehen, wurde dem Editor außerdem eine Auto-Vervollständigungs-Funktion gegönnt. Es werden also bei der Eingabe automatisch Vorschläge gemacht. So reicht es oftmals, die ersten Buchstaben der E-Mail-Adresse einzugeben, und der weitere Teil wird automatisch ergänzt. Dies war nur eine kleine Zusammenfassung der gebotenen Möglichkeiten. Details und Screenshots finden Sie auf der Marathon-Webseite. https://web.archive.org/web/20011006065513/http://draconis.atari.org/draconis/mara2/index.htm (tr) More News im September 2001Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4Four-F: New game for the Atari ST (18.09.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)Gamers on the Atari ST finally get some fresh material: "Four-F" can be compared to "Chip's Challenge" on the Lynx and PC. The aim is to collect as many points as possible in the different levels in order to reach the next level. Screenshots can be found on the website of the online magazine "Atari Times". Four-F is free to download. Have fun! (tr) (tr) GEMSetup 2.01 (18.09.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)![]() The standard installer GEMSetup by Joachim Fornallaz is now available in version 2.01. Various bug fixes and optimisations have been made. The program can be found on the developer's website. (tr) (tr) E-mail accounts at AUN (17.09.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)The Atari Users Network now offers free e-mail accounts for its visitors again. The administration can now also be done in the Atari browser CAB. More information is available on the AUN website. (tr) (tr) Continuation of spareTIME (17.09.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)spareTIME is an organiser for Atari systems. You can find a review in issue 05-2001 of st-computer. As the developer Markus Mayer informed us, he has no more time for the further development of the program himself, but is looking for a programmer who would like to take on the project. Further information is available on request from Markus Mayer. (tr) (tr) Autoren gesucht (16.09.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)The editorial staff of st-computer is looking for authors who can take on the following topics:
Interested writers please contact Thomas Raukamp directly by e-mail. (tr) Become an author! (tr) X11 Server 0.13.2 (16.09.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)
(tr) Bridge 5.01 via e-mail (16.09.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)
(tr) EmuTOS (16.09.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)EmuTOS is a singletasking operating system for ST emulations that so far runs under STonX. The aim is to provide a replacement for TOS images. EmuTOS is based on the sources of GEMDOS by Digital Research, which have been offered under the GPL licence by Caldera since 1999. EmuTOS is also distributed under this licence. EmuTOS consists of three parts so far:
Graphical components such as a VDI or AES are not implemented and should not be implemented, as far better solutions already exist for these components. EmuTOS is also not an alternative to MiNT. Further information can be found on the developer's website. Here you can also find EmuTOS for free download. (tr) EmuTOSAUN baseball cap (15.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)
(tr) ST emulation in BeOS (15.09.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)For the alternative operating system BeOS, an Atari ST emulator is now available. Although it is still in an early stage, it can already be used. Currently there is only a version for x86 computers, a PowerPC version will eventually follow. (tr) (tr) Icon Extract 1.2 (14.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)![]() Icon Extract is available in version 1.2. The program allows the conversion of pictograms of the Windows operating system into the Atari format. Icons with 2, 16, 256 and 16.7 million colours are supported. The current version 1.2 of the program also converts 32-bit pictograms from Windows XP. The display in monochrome and 16-colour resolutions of the Atari has also been optimised. For future versions, developer Florent Lafabrie plans to integrate the XPM format from the Linux world. (tr) (tr) XaAES 0.931 (13.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)For the current version of the free AES system XaAES for MiNT configurations, a bug fix has been released that should resolve some boot problems. The bug fix can be found on the website of the developer Henk Robbers. (tr) (tr) aFTP in German (13.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)For the FTP client aFTP 1.55 a German resource file is available, created by Bernd Mädicke. This means that the program, which supports the access standard STiK or STinG and MiNTnet, can be used in German. (tr) (tr) ArcView 0.8 (13.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)The graphic packer shell ArcView is available in a new version from 11 September. The program has been completely revised. Thus, the interface offers numerous innovations such as a BubbleGEM help. In addition, many bug fixes have been made so that ArcView continues to recommend itself as the standard for handling archives on the Atari. When downloading the freeware, make sure that you also install the latest versions of "Zip" and "UnZip". (tr) (tr) STune 0.90 (13.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)![]() The real-time strategy game STune is available in version 0.90. From now on, game saves can be stored and loaded. Several units can now be selected simultaneously in the game. In addition, there is a new energy management and numerous bug fixes. STune should work as a GEM game on all TOS computers. To play the samples, a Falcon-compatible XBIOS is required, as provided by "X-SOUND" on STs, STEs and TTs. A preview version can be found on the developers' homepage. (tr) (tr) Pinatubo is freeware (13.09.2001 - 04:10 Uhr)Pinatubo is a control software for EPROM recorders. The Junior-Prommer, Vesuvius and Easyprommer are supported. Since the current version 2.4, the program has been declared freeware by its developer Michael Schwingen. The 137 KBytes archive of 12 September can be found on the programmer's website. (tr) Michael Schwingen's project page. (tr) Painium Disaster finished (13.09.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)![]() Painium Disaster is a new game for the Atari Falcon. The Shoot'Em Up is in the style of "Wings Of Death". Painium Disaster offers 25 fps and 8-channel sound on a standard Falcon. The game is downloadable from the Reservoir Gods website. A review will probably be in issue 11-2001 of st-computer. (tr) (tr) ChuChu Rocket: New game for STE/Falcon (13.09.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)![]() The Reservoir Gods announced a new game for the Atari Falcon still for October 2001. "ChuChu Rocket" already convinces with original graphics in comic style. The strategy game will also run on the Atari STE. First screenshots can be found on the website of the Scene group. We can already look forward to it! (tr) (tr) Condolences for the victims (12.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)
(tr) XaAES version 0.93 released (11.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)
If you are interested in XaAES, you should reorder the July/August issue of st-computer. Here you can find an interview with its Dutch developer Henk Robbers. (tr) (tr) Update for links.atari.org (11.09.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)The extensive links collection "links.atari.org" by Benjamin Kirchheim has undergone an extensive update. All links are "freshly" checked so that Atari users can make full use of the service again. (tr) (tr) |
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