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PDA Maze Version 17 (18.08.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Maze is a three-dimensional first-person game in GEM style. The Atari version is a port of the Linux game PDA Maze. The current version of the port is not yet complete (it lacks improved sound and the interface still needs some optimisation) but it is playable. The graphics are in xIMG format.
Maze is executable in any resolution from ST-High. The new version offers a GEM menu and comes with the C source code. In addition, the usual bug fixes have been made. The program and a screenshot can be found on the Anthill Industries website. (tr)

Anthill Industries


Texto! 2.0 (18.08.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Texto! is a tool for converting special characters. The program converts from

  • Atari ASCII to HTML
  • Atari ASCII to Windows ANSI
  • Windows ANSII to Atari ASCII

This new version 2.0 includes some improvements and bug fixes. For example, the work under multitasking systems such as MagiC and N.AES and in different screen resolutions has been optimised. If an alternative file selector box is installed, several files can also be converted automatically one after the other. Texto! can now also be installed as an accessory. In addition, the user interface has been revised and is now even easier to use.
The program, which is only 38 KBytes in size, can be found on the developer's website, which is unfortunately only available in French. (tr)

Stephane Perez


Hip-Hop video Schwule Mädchen (18.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

From the column "What do stc authors do in their spare time?": Mia Jaap jumps for her life with some other participants in the new video "Schwule Mädchen" ("Gay Girls") by the North German hip-hop band "Fettes Brot". The video has been regularly shown on the music channels VIVA and MTV for a few days now, and the single will be in the shops from 20 August. Mia is easy to recognise at the end of the video by her hearty Atari T-shirt. Pictures of the video shoot can be found on the Fettes Brot website. (tr)

Fat Bread


Calamus summer sale for two weeks (18.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

The summer prices for various Calamus extensions are only valid for a two weeks period. So if you want to extend your Calamus at a reasonable price, you should definitely take advantage of the patronising mood of Ulf Dunkel and his team. (tr)

invers Software


ScottFree 1.14 (18.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

ScottFree reads and launches Scott Adamas Adventures in TRS80 format. Scott Adams wrote a series of adventures in the 70s and 80s. The adventures are in (easy to understand) English. Scott released his adventures as shareware some time ago.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

MyMail 1.50 (18.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

The popular e-mail program MyMAIL is now available in version 1.50. The major update holds some new features for its users, such as a spam filter. The program for the Internet stack STinG or STiK is still freeware. When downloading, please also note the current German localisation by Bernd Mädicke. (tr)



Palm buys Be (17.08.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)

Handheld computer maker Palm has bought struggling operating system development company Be for $11 million. The transaction will be settled as a share swap by the fourth quarter of 2001. Palm will thus come into possession of all patents and technologies of Be. It is expected that the multimedia capabilities of BeOS or BeIA will gradually be integrated into Palm's own operating system PalmOS.

Be was founded in 1990 by the former Apple manager Jean-Louis Gassee and subsequently developed a highly praised, but not successful operating system, which is particularly convincing because of its multimedia capabilities. For a while, BeOS could also be used on Power Macs, until Apple put a stop to it. The OS was then transferred to the Intel platform, but was never able to establish itself there. Interestingly, Apple itself considered buying Be as the foundation for a new operating system for a long time before deciding to buy Next. The result is known to everyone today: Steve Jobs returned to Apple and initiated the development of Mac OS X. (tr)

Be Inc.


Gemma 2.0 (16.08.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

Gemma is a Winframe for MagiC or N.AES that gives all windows and their control elements a fresh, innovative design that can compete with that of other operating systems and convinces with its independent, futuristic look. Shortly after the first release, version 2.0 is now available, which offers several visual improvements. Detailed screenshots and different versions for different colour depths can be found on the designer's website. (tr)

Gemma - A new look for TOS


New games for the XL/XE (15.08.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

65 XETwo new games are in the works for the 8-bit Ataris. Towards the end of the year, "Mr. Proper" by Aleksander Martin is to be finished. The game impresses with excellent graphics, as first screenshots prove. A demo version is already available for download.

At least as spectacular is the announcement of a Doom port to the XL/XE. A conversion to the Commodore Plus/4 proves that this is possible. So the 8-bit Atari is alive! (tr) Sikor Soft


Update for SE-Fakt2000 (15.08.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

Since 13 July an update for the professional invoicing programme SE-Fakt for the Atari is available. The update v0.3ß offers the following new features:

  • introduction of the MSS client/server concept
  • revised data export
  • revised printing layout for test purposes (English/German)

Registered users can find the update on the homepage of EDV-Service Sönke Diener. (tr)

Sönke Diener


AUN is moving (15.08.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

AUNThe Atari Users Network is currently moving to a new web server. Therefore, there may be temporary outages, for which the team asks for your understanding. This also affects any e-mail services set up at AUN. After the move, new services should be available. So we can be curious. (tr)

Atari-Users Network


PILOT Atari 1.1 (15.08.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

The programming language PILOT is now available in version 1.1 for the Atari. New are three pilot commands that are not part of the standard language vocabulary and were introduced by Nevada, Atari and Apple PILOT

  • PA (pause program execution for x sec.)
  • CH (clear screen)
  • TH (output text without line break).

This then allows most programs in these dialects to run without modification.

Translated with (free version)


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

Doom 0.27 (14.08.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

The Doom port for Atari Falcon, TT and compatibles is now available for download in version 0.27. The current version allows playing in a GEM window and saving command line options within a file. (tr)

dead hackers society


Free webdesign for Atari companies (14.08.2001 - 02:10 Uhr)

Monkey Web Designs is a new web design team from Canada. One of the owners is an old acquaintance: Bengy Collins, operator of the web offering "MagiC Online" and columnist for st-computer. Together with Kristie Masuda, he makes companies active in the Atari market an extremely attractive offer: professional, yet free web design. Monkey Web Design consists of professional designers and multimedia artists. For more information you should write to Kristie Masuda. (tr)

MagiC Online


So many Atari shirts! (13.08.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)

Atari-ShirtAtari fans no longer have to order in the USA or in other European countries if they want to stomp into the next unsuspecting computer department with an Atari T-shirt. The vendor "" is now offering a navy blue shirt imported from the USA in size XL for the price of DM 49.95. So swing your credit card casually from your hip and order! (tr)

Atari on the shirt


New survey: Merlancia (13.08.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)

From now on you can find a new survey on Merlancia's market plans on our website in the "Surveys" section. By the way, the current issue of st-computer contains a first interview with Merlancia. (tr)

Survey Merlancia


PC 20th anniversary (13.08.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)

The personal computer turned 20 yesterday. Although desktop computers existed before 12 August 1981, this date nevertheless marked the beginning of the somewhat questionable era of what used to be called "IBM compatibles". The "IBM 5150 PC" presented in New York shone with a then legendary clock speed of 4.77 MHz. However, IBM obviously failed to patent the PC architecture, so that from the 1980s onwards, compatible cheap computers with Intel chipsets flooded the market, which, together with the spread of the operating systems MS-DOS and later Windows, resulted in an industry worth billions that still rules the computer market almost unchallenged today. The disadvantages of this development are known not least to Atari users. Nevertheless: Happy Birthday, Big Blue! (tr)

The IBM PC turns 20


FalcAMP 1.09 (13.08.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

FalconFalcAMP, the MP3 player for the Atari Falcon, is now available in version 1.09. The homepage also contains the MP3 player for the Atari Falcon. By the way, on the homepage you can also find the complete package with all the results of the RSC compo, so that you are now spoilt for choice when designing the interface of FalcAMP. The program, which only runs on the Falcon because of the intensive use of the DSP, is still freeware. (tr)



MyAtari 08-2001 (13.08.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

The British online magazine MyAtari has published its August issue. The current issue includes its own in-depth interview with Frontier Systems, the developers of the Deesse card, a review of Appeggiator programs on the Atari, and a review of aMail. (tr)


CPX-Basic 1.08 (13.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

CPX-Basic is a programming language that runs as a CPX module in XControl or compatible control panel managers. Mia Jaap has now released version 1.08, which introduces additional BASIC commands. Also included is the source code.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

Thwocker Two for VCS 2600 (12.08.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)

Another previously unreleased game for the classic Atari VCS 2600 game console, Thwocker Two, has surfaced. The Activision game was originally developed by Charlie Heath and is said to be 80% complete. If possible, the ROM content should be made available soon. (tr)

Thwocker Two


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Current issue
Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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