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MagiCMac 6.2 with installer (29.08.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

MagiCApplication Systems Heidelberg has reacted quickly to the requests and complaints of its customers and now provides the update to MagiCMac 6.2 with a convenient VISE installer that automatically takes care of the previously difficult installation. Macintosh owners can therefore use the operating system update without any problems. There is currently no installation script for the Atari version of the update. (tr)

Application Systems Heidelberg


Free video editing (29.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

Picture Atari FalconThe video editing software Mountain has been declared freeware by its French developers with immediate effect (previously EUR 45.--) and as such can be freely downloaded and used. At present, however, only the French full version is available. An English full version is to follow, so far only an English beta is available. Mountain requires a TOS computer with a 68030 CPU and 4 MBytes RAM. The program has been successfully tested on Falcon 030, TT, Hades, Medusa, Eagle, Milan and the PAK 030 accelerator. In addition, at least a True Colour resolution as in the Falcon is required, graphics cards are also supported. The source code of the program is also available on request. (tr)



Two new VCS games (29.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

For the classic game console Atari VCS 2600, two new game binaries have been released. "Thwocker" (we reported) is only 80% complete, but knows how to shine with interesting graphics. "Video Life" is another rarity that can be played with an emulator. Both programs can be downloaded for free from the AtariAge website. (tr)



z26 version 1.47 (29.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

z26 is a popular emulator for PCs running the Windows operating system that recreates the classic Atari VCS 2600 game console. The program is now available in version 1.47, which supports, among others, the newly released games "Thwocker" and "Video Life". z26 is freely available. The source code is also available. (tr)



Installer for MagiC 6.2 in development (28.08.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

MagiCAs Application Systems Heidelberg informed us in response to a query from one of our editors, an installer is still planned at least for the difficult-to-install update file to MagiCMac 6.2. So those who shy away from installing the operating system update because of the manual work required should wait for the version equipped with an installer. (tr)

Application Systems Heidelberg.


Tux is 10! (28.08.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)

Picture TuxOn 25 August 1991 at 20:57, members of the Usenet newsgroup "comp.os.minix" found a message from a certain Linus Benedict Torvalds in their forum. The then 21-year-old student from Finland announced that he was writing a free operating system. No one - least of all Linus Torvalds himself - would have thought that this hobby project would become one of the most important operating systems on the computer market in the following ten years. Today, 27 per cent of network computers already run Linux, the growth rates are astonishing and are making life difficult for Microsoft. Especially the growing market of "information appliances" (set-top boxes, PDAs, etc.) could ensure further spread. There is also a 68k version of Linux for the Atari. Happy Birthday, Tux! (tr)

The Linux Home Page


Two programming languages by Mia Jaap (28.08.2001 - 04:10 Uhr)

There are still programming languages that have not yet been converted to the Atari. These then wait for Mia Jaap to port them. Now this fate has befallen the languages "Mouse" and "Turingol".

Mouse is a language introduced by BYTE magazine in 1979. It is a mouse interpreter, but does not make use of the mouse. Even though Mouse is almost unknown, this language is not meant as a joke. Turingol is an old programming language (1968), obviously inspired by Alan Turing.


Marc Adler Lisp 1.0 (27.08.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)

Marc Adler Lisp is a simple LISP interpreter, written in ANSI-C. Versions for TOS and DOS are included in the freely downloadable archive, but no documentation on the language itself.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

Focal-81 (27.08.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

Focal-81 is a very old teaching language developed by Digital Equipment Corporation for the PDP-8 computers. It has now been implemented fully functional with sources and example programs for the Atari. Focal is not a so-called "esoteric" programming language and was used quite seriously professionally from 1969 to the mid-1980s.


Mia Jaap - Jaapan

STiK2 2.02 (27.08.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The Internet access stack STiK is now available for free download in the revised version 2.02. STiK now also masters dynamic DNS addressing. To use the program, you also need the latest version of Qdialer from Anthill Industries, which can be found on the same website for free download. (tr)

Anthill Industries


MiNT on the Macintosh? (27.08.2001 - 04:10 Uhr)

MiNTMacMiNT is an attempt to run the independent Atari operating system MiNT on the Apple Macintosh. 68k and Power Macs are supported. However, MacMiNT does not replace the pre-installed Mac OS. Also the network functions and an AES system are not supported. (tr)

Hoshi's New MacMiNT Page.


Classic Computing cancelled (27.08.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)

Classic Computing 2001, a trade fair for classic computer systems that was to take place on 08 September 2001, has been cancelled and postponed indefinitely. The organiser asks for understanding. (tr)

Classic Computing


Aniplayer 2001 2.17 (26.08.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)

The popular multimedia player Aniplayer 2001 is now available in the revised version 2.17. Numerous bug fixes have been made.


Didier Méquignon

PDF reader by invers Software (25.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

New information is finally provided about the new PDF display software from invers Software. The program will be called "PORTHOS", the planned price is DM 69. According to invers, the program will be released shortly. (tr)

invers Software


Manual for FonTools 2 available (25.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

The manual for the extended character set tool FonTools v2.0 is ready and is now available online as a PDF document and in HTML format. The 477 KBytes PDF manual can of course be downloaded free of charge from the web pages of invers Software. (tr)

invers Software


New survey at MagiC Online (25.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

There is a new survey on the web pages of Bengy Collins asking if there is any interest in a dedicated Atari show for Canada. Think about it, maybe you've always fancied a holiday in North America...? (tr)

MagiC Online


Circuit board of Centurbo 060 (25.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

 Picture Atari FalconA first schematic of the eagerly awaited 68060 accelerator card Centurbo 060 has now been posted online by Czuba Tech. The JPEG image is 68 KBytes in size. However, an exact release date has not yet been given. (tr)

Picture of the Centurbo 060


Tales Of Tamar 0.23 (23.08.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)

The Atari client of the role-playing adventure game "Tales Of Tamar" is available in the new version 0.23. It offers some new features and the usual bug fixes. Beta testers are still being sought for all versions. (tr)

Tales Of Tamar


X11 Server 0.12.1 (23.08.2001 - 11:10 Uhr)

MiNTThe X11 Server for GEM is available in version 0.12.1. With the X11 server it is possible to use X11 clients in the GEM environment. A TOS computer with at least an 030 CPU and 10 MBytes RAM, FreeMiNT, NVDI and N.AES or XaAES is required. (tr)

X11 Server for GEM.


News from the Atari PDF reader (23.08.2001 - 11:10 Uhr)

The planned PDF reader by Eric Reboux and Rafal Kawecki is making small but steady progress. In September, the editorial staff of st-computer should receive a first preview version. The developers are making an effort to display PDF files directly so that the time-consuming process of converting them into PS format does not have to be taken, as is the case with Ghostscript. However, it has been announced that neither ASH nor invers Software will distribute the software. What form of distribution will be chosen instead is still open. (tr)

Rafal Kawecki


Graoumf Is Not So Damn Slow (23.08.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)

Atari FalconFor the music format "Graoumf Tracker" there is now a dedicated player for the Atari Falcon. GINSDS is a small command line tool that can play 16 bit samples on up to 32 channels. Stereo panning can be used on each channel. GINSDS requires a Falcon with at least 1 MByte RAM, Fast-RAM is recommended. The current version 1.2 is available for download (tr)

dead hackers society


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Current issue
Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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