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Top News im September 2001Marathon 2.0 (18.09.2001 - 13:15 Uhr)Mit Marathon 2.0 steht nun seit Version 1.7 eine neue, in vielen Punkten verbesserte Version des E-Mail-Clients aus dem Draconis-Paket zur Verfügung. In diese Version wurden zahlreiche Wünsche der Anwender integriert, damit Marathon 2.0 mehr ist als ein einfacher E-Mail-Client. Hinzugekommen sind vor allem Funktionen, um die Archivierung und Verwaltung von Nachrichten noch komfortabler und einfacher zu gestalten. Aber auch an neuen Funktionen wurde nicht gespart. Damit sind nun viele der Features auch auf dem Atari verfügbar, die es bisher nur auf PC und Mac gab. So können nun z.B. alle Nachrichten in einer Baumstruktur verwaltet werden, wie das auch bisher schon bei manch anderen Mail-Programm üblich war. Durch die Verschachtelung von Ordnern, Unterordnern und Postfächern ist es möglich sich eine geordnete Ablage zur organisieren. Außerdem können in der Baumstruktur nun "Identitäten" verwaltet werden. Damit können Sie sich verschiedene Konfigurationsprofile erzeugen. Dieses kann für die Erstellung von verschiedenen Konfigurationen für einen Anbieter aber auch in verschiedensten Konfiguration für verschiedene Anbieter gelten. Um das oftmals aufwändige Heraussuchen von Empfängeradressen zu umgehen, wurde dem Editor außerdem eine Auto-Vervollständigungs-Funktion gegönnt. Es werden also bei der Eingabe automatisch Vorschläge gemacht. So reicht es oftmals, die ersten Buchstaben der E-Mail-Adresse einzugeben, und der weitere Teil wird automatisch ergänzt. Dies war nur eine kleine Zusammenfassung der gebotenen Möglichkeiten. Details und Screenshots finden Sie auf der Marathon-Webseite. https://web.archive.org/web/20011006065513/http://draconis.atari.org/draconis/mara2/index.htm (tr) More News im September 2001Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4Update for links.atari.org (11.09.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)The extensive links collection "links.atari.org" by Benjamin Kirchheim has undergone an extensive update. All links are "freshly" checked so that Atari users can make full use of the service again. (tr) (tr) Bridge 5 for Calamus (10.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)For the professional DTP program Calamus, the Bridge module, extended by PDF output, is now available. The delivery should take place in these days after the printing of the manual. To give you a preview of Bridge 5, the manual is now online at invers Software. You can find it as a PDF document (56 pages, 629 KBytes) as well as in HTML format. Bridge 5 is sold at a price of DM 349. An upgrade from version 4 costs DM 99.--, an upgrade from version 3 DM 199.--. Bridge 5 is particularly favourable in a bundle with the new PDF printer driver "PDF-Print" (we reported). The complete price is DM 359. The PDF printer driver prints Calamus documents, pages or frames as "images" in adjustable colour depth and resolution in WYSIWYG, while Bridge 5 writes object-oriented PDF documents with searchable texts etc.. Both extensions require Calamus SL2000. (tr) (tr) Stateside Reports online (10.09.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)Bengy Collins has posted on his Canadian online service "MagiC Online" some of his "Stateside Reports" which appear monthly in st-computer. So if you don't subscribe to stc or want to read the original English version of the columns, here's your chance to enjoy Bengy's articles in original quality. (tr) (tr) Interview with Nolan Bushnell (10.09.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)The online service "Joystick101.org" has published an interview with Atari founder Nolan Bushnell. The questions were asked by the readers themselves. The interview is in English. (tr) (tr) MyAtari September 2001 (09.09.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)The British online magazine MyAtari is now completely online with its September issue. Some articles have been added, e.g. the first part of the portfolio story. By the way, st-computer has entered into an official partnership with the British to publish interesting articles in German as well. (tr) (tr) 1 million VCS cartridges (08.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)Over 1 million (!!!) originally packaged cartridges for the classic consoles Atari VCS 2600 and VCS 7800 are in the inventory of the new online mail order company "ClassicAtari.com". This is the purchase of the entire stock that Atari sold in 1991 when it liquidated its own inventory - at that time a total of 2.3 million cartridges. A total of 30 different titles are currently available. They are sold at a price of only 2 US dollars each. This should ensure a supply for years to come. The new website of the American company is also an experience. There are pictures of the huge warehouse, reports in the media about ClassicAtari.com and a collection of Atari commercials from the 80s in QuickTime® format. From October, Atari T-shirts will also be available for order here. (tr) (tr) Atari Program Exchange (08.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)The Atari Program Exchange is a treasure trove for all Atari XL/XE system enthusiasts. The new archive homepage offers information about the software exchange program and currently already provides 62 programs from the fields of office, education and entertainment for the cult computers. All programs are put online with the permission of their developers - so you can legally help your "little" Atari to get new software. The archive will continue to grow in the future, help is welcome. (tr) Atari Program Exchange (APE) archive. (tr) Update for FunMedia (08.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)The video editing program FunMedia is available in a new version from 07.09.2001. FunMedia can now load models in MD2 format (Quake 2) and supports animated 3D objects. A sample programme can be found on the developer's website. (tr) (tr) Gunnar Gröbel offline (07.09.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)Gunnar Gröbel cannot be reached by e-mail at the moment because his Atari Falcon suffered a total crash. Until further notice, the programming of e.g. the new database "Chrysalis" (we reported) cannot continue. The editorial staff of st-computer is trying to find a replacement device for the programmer. Anyone who can temporarily do without a Falcon is welcome to contact us. (tr) (tr) st-computer 09-2001 (07.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)The September issue of st-computer was sent out to our subscribers this morning and should reach you in the next few days. So we are finally delivering on time again. We thank our subscribers, friends and fans for their loyalty and patience during the difficult last months. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial team. In this context, we would also like to thank you for all the praise for the magazine and the st-computer website that we have received in recent months. (tr) (tr) Autoren gesucht (07.09.2001 - 09:10 Uhr)The editorial staff of st-computer is looking for authors who can take on the following topics:
Interested writers please contact Thomas Raukamp directly by e-mail. (tr) Become an author! (tr) Free Atari mailing lists (07.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The British online service "Atari Users Network" now offers the free set-up of mailing lists, as long as they deal with the topic of Atari. A sample list can be found on the AUN website. Interested parties should contact the webmaster of the AUN. (tr) (tr) Tales Of Tamar 0.24 (07.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The Atari version of the role-playing adventure game "Tales Of Tamar" will be available in version 0.24 later today. New features include e-mail and IRC functions for communicating with other players. Those who do not yet participate in the cross-platform game have only themselves to blame. (tr) (tr) X11-Server 0.13 (06.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The development of the X11 server for GEM systems is progressing rapidly. Now the current version 0.13 has been made available for download. The most important new feature is the support of graphics modes with a colour depth of 16, 24 or 32 bits. In addition, there are some important bug fixes. "X.app" enables the operation of X11 clients within a GEM environment. The prerequisite for use is an installed MiNT system. (tr) (tr) Google is the best search engine (05.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)Google is currently the best search engine on the net. Google found the right answer to ten test questions ten times. It is followed by Altavista, Lycos and Metager with nine hits. Stiftung Warentest tested 20 search engines and catalogues. Thirteen are only adequate, one is poor. The weak point of most search engines: the results are wrongly weighted. More than half of the hits displayed had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic searched for. (tr) (tr) Atari classics for mobile phone (05.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)As reported by ZD Net News, the Manchester/England based company "iFone Ltd" is planning to publish classic Atari games for mobile phones. The programs are to use the Java standard. Up to 6 games are to be released in September, which are to be downloadable from the net for about 50 pence each. Perhaps we will soon be able to enjoy classics like Pong, Space Invaders and Centipede on our way to work on the metro? (tr) (tr) MyAtari issue 09-2001 (05.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)The British online magazine MyAtari published its September issue. The selection of topics is again very diverse. For example, there is a test report of the algorithmic composition software "Schoenberg Composer", a report on running an Atari MIDI sequencer under a PC emulation and a "fitness training" for working on the Atari. (tr) (tr) New sprite editor for XL/XE (05.09.2001 - 07:10 Uhr)For the Atari XL/XE systems there is a new sprite editor. The small tool is thus suitable for simple editing or animation of player/missile graphics. The freeware program is available on request from the developer. (tr) (tr) The History of Videogames (05.09.2001 - 01:10 Uhr)The history of video games has been the subject of many authors and magazines. Now a new book is being published in English that promises a visual journey through the golden age of videogames: "Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age" by Val Burnham deals with the pioneering period from 1971-1984. It can be pre-ordered now at Amazon.com for the price of US-$ 34.96 (instead of US-$ 49.95) so that delivery from 09 September is not missed. It goes without saying that a certain Atari company is sufficiently appreciated. A great present for all fans and classic gamers. (tr) (tr) PDF printer driver for Calamus (04.09.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)A complete PDF printer driver is available for the professional DTP program Calamus. It combines the advantages of the SoftRIP output of Calamus with the PDF format, which is now processed by more and more printers and imaging studios. PDF-Print makes print output in PDF files. The result are printable PDFs that no longer contain vector objects or searchable texts, but "smooth" document pages that are even already rasterised in the monochrome output. All Calamus features like masking, transparencies, arrowheads etc. are preserved. Until the end of September the driver is available at a price of DM 99.--, afterwards the regular price is DM 149.--. In addition, there are interesting bundling prices in connection with the Bridge 5 module. (tr) (tr) Private internet usage while working (04.09.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)Whoever does not surf the internet from his workplace for more than 100 hours a year may not be dismissed without further ado. This has now been decided by the Wesel labour court (ref.: 5 Ca 4021/00). Employers have to impose the ban in any case and may not terminate the employment contract without prior warning. (tr) (tr) |
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