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Top News im September 2001Marathon 2.0 (18.09.2001 - 13:15 Uhr)Mit Marathon 2.0 steht nun seit Version 1.7 eine neue, in vielen Punkten verbesserte Version des E-Mail-Clients aus dem Draconis-Paket zur Verfügung. In diese Version wurden zahlreiche Wünsche der Anwender integriert, damit Marathon 2.0 mehr ist als ein einfacher E-Mail-Client. Hinzugekommen sind vor allem Funktionen, um die Archivierung und Verwaltung von Nachrichten noch komfortabler und einfacher zu gestalten. Aber auch an neuen Funktionen wurde nicht gespart. Damit sind nun viele der Features auch auf dem Atari verfügbar, die es bisher nur auf PC und Mac gab. So können nun z.B. alle Nachrichten in einer Baumstruktur verwaltet werden, wie das auch bisher schon bei manch anderen Mail-Programm üblich war. Durch die Verschachtelung von Ordnern, Unterordnern und Postfächern ist es möglich sich eine geordnete Ablage zur organisieren. Außerdem können in der Baumstruktur nun "Identitäten" verwaltet werden. Damit können Sie sich verschiedene Konfigurationsprofile erzeugen. Dieses kann für die Erstellung von verschiedenen Konfigurationen für einen Anbieter aber auch in verschiedensten Konfiguration für verschiedene Anbieter gelten. Um das oftmals aufwändige Heraussuchen von Empfängeradressen zu umgehen, wurde dem Editor außerdem eine Auto-Vervollständigungs-Funktion gegönnt. Es werden also bei der Eingabe automatisch Vorschläge gemacht. So reicht es oftmals, die ersten Buchstaben der E-Mail-Adresse einzugeben, und der weitere Teil wird automatisch ergänzt. Dies war nur eine kleine Zusammenfassung der gebotenen Möglichkeiten. Details und Screenshots finden Sie auf der Marathon-Webseite. https://web.archive.org/web/20011006065513/http://draconis.atari.org/draconis/mara2/index.htm (tr) More News im September 2001Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4Private internet usage while working (04.09.2001 - 10:10 Uhr)Whoever does not surf the internet from his workplace for more than 100 hours a year may not be dismissed without further ado. This has now been decided by the Wesel labour court (ref.: 5 Ca 4021/00). Employers have to impose the ban in any case and may not terminate the employment contract without prior warning. (tr) (tr) Disk-Index 2.44 (04.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)Disk-Index is a comprehensive data media cataloguing software for floppy disks, hard disks / removable disks, CD-ROM etc. The contents of the disks are read in and can be displayed, compared, sorted and printed. In addition, comments can be added to the individual files, and the program also has an automatic comment function. Many other functions make the program a powerful tool for data medium management. Disk-Index runs cleanly under GEM and has no problems with long file names. The current version of the program by Alfred Saß is number 2.44. (tr) (tr) Venture II: New game for the VCS (04.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)For the classic game console Atari VCS 2600 there is once again a new game available. "Venture II" is an adventure game that is available as a binary image for use under emulation. However, it can also be purchased directly from the manufacturer as a cartridge at a price of US $ 16. Hozer Video also announced another title, "They've Risen". (tr) (tr) Two new Atari demos released (04.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The Atari ST demos "Punish Your Machine" and "Syntax Error" have now been released for use on emulators, so they can now be used under e.g. SainT, Steem and other programs. (tr) (tr) Chaos Computer Club: 20th anniversary (04.09.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)The Chaos Computer Club is 20 years old. On 12 September 1981, the club was founded in the rooms of the Berlin "taz". To ensure that this day does not pass by unused, the CCC has put together an exhibition about the past 20 years of the club's existence. From Wednesday, 12 September to Sunday, 16 September, there will be an exhibition about 20 years of chaos, discord and fun in the Congresshalle at Alexanderplatz. Admission is free. On Saturday, 15 September, there will be a dignified party in the Kuppelsaal of the Congesshalle in the midst of the exhibition. The music will be provided by "Electronic Welfare". A contribution towards expenses of DM 15.-- will be charged. All Club members and non-members are welcome. (tr) (tr) Bywater BASIC 1.15 and 2.21 (04.09.2001 - 05:10 Uhr)The well-known BASIC interpreter Bywater (bwBASIC) handles the ANSI standard for BASIC and was programmed in AnsiC. Mia Jaap has now ported both version 1.1 and version 2.2 to the Atari. Exclusively there are two new commands in the Atari version compared to the Unix original. 42 sample programs are included in the archive, which has been released under the GPL licence. (tr) Mia Jaap - JaapanWebsite about Notator (04.09.2001 - 04:10 Uhr)Notator SL was for a long time one of the most widespread sequencer or notation programs on the MIDI market. For users of the professional tool or its little brother "Creator SL", there is now a new English-language website on the Internet. The website contains tips, FAQs, additional programmes, updates and links. The offer is supplemented by a mailing list, which already has 140 members worldwide. So anyone who works with Notator on the Atari has found a new home here. (tr) (tr) New demo scene website (03.09.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)Leonard from the scene group Oxygene has set up a new website where numerous demos for the Atari ST can be downloaded - a real treasure trove for fans! (tr) (tr) Atari party in the Czech Republic (03.09.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)An Atari party will be held in the Czech city of Brno on 15 and 16 September. A map and photos of the venue can be found on the organisers' website. So if you don't have anything planned yet and want to celebrate with other Atari fans, the Czech city is certainly the place to be. (tr) (tr) New survey at Atari Users Network (03.09.2001 - 12:10 Uhr)A new survey has been started on the British homepage Atari Users Network. The question is whether you have a multitasking operating system installed on your Atari. And as always: many participants contribute to a representative result! (tr) (tr) Polish Atari News Page with a new design (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The Polish Atari News Page, our Polish partner site of stc author Rafal Kawecki, shines in new splendour and is the first product of the Canadian web design group "Monkey Web Design". The site now looks much cleaner and more professional. Congratulations, Rafal! (tr) (tr) ASMA 2.1 (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The XL/XE music archive ASMA has been expanded again and can now be found in the latest version 2.1 for free download. The archive now consists of over 1180 tunes. A corresponding player for various systems (also STE, TT and Falcon) can also be found on the ASMA website. (tr) (tr) MagiC 6.2 for Hades (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)com/">Atari SAP Music Archive Application Systems Heidelberg now provides the latest version of its operating system MagiC for the Atari clone Hades. The update for the Hades is freely downloadable, as are the versions for Classic Ataris, the Milan and the Apple Macintosh. (tr) Application Systems Heidelberg. (tr) Translation tool Arthur updated (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)RGF Software has revised its Arthur98 program. Arthur is a modern software reference tool for bidirectional language translation from single terms to common phrases. The associated libraries have been updated. New is a library for translating from German to Dutch as well as a blank library. The English/German and French/German libraries have been revised. Also completely new is the additional programme "Textal", which is used to convert ASCII text files into an Arthur98 library. To do this, simply create a text file collection from A to Z ("a.txt" to "z.txt"), which contains the terms and their translation in one direction, sorted by initial letter. Textal then converts the entire folder with the text files into an Arthur98 library, which then also allows bidirectional searching of the terms. Arthur98 is distributed as shareware. A registration key is offered by RGF Software for DM 39. Textal is available for free download. (tr) (tr) AtarICQ 0.152 (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The ICQ client AtarICQ has been released in the brand new version 0.152. The update contains many improvements for users of the program for STiK, STiNG and GlueSTiK. For example, all dialogs are now located in GEM windows, which optimises work under multitasking operating systems. When selecting a font, drag & drop capabilities can now be used, whereby various attributes are supported. In addition, one's own contact list can now be sent. In addition, there are small improvements and the usual bug fixes. AtarICQ is shareware and costs EUR 21.50. So far, only the English version in release 0.152 is available. A German translation should be available as soon as possible. The current German version is number 0.151. (tr) (tr) STiK news (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)The internet access software STiK2 has been updated again. On the Anthill Industries website, version 2.03 can now be found as a complete package, mainly supporting a new PPP variable. Also new is the dial-up software Qdialer, which is available in version 0.51, which uses the new functions of STiK and contains some bug fixes. Both packages are freeware, as always. (tr) (tr) Everything for CAT (03.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)For tools and IO filters for the mouse exchange frontend "CAT" there is now a one-stop site on the Internet. On offer are not only programs that can be used as IO filters, but also software that is only related to CAT in the broadest sense. So the new website is a must for all mousers! (tr) Additional programmes and tools for CAT (tr) XzentriX Party 2001 (03.09.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)The XzentriX meeting 2001 is aimed at computer enthusiasts who "believe in life after standard software". The meeting will take place in Seeshaupt from 07 to 09 September. Due to the not too abundant space, the number of participants unfortunately has to be limited. Early registration is therefore necessary. The event is aimed at the following computer systems:
Further information can be found on the organiser's homepage. (tr) (tr) ESNA looking for volunteers (03.09.2001 - 06:10 Uhr)The North American branch of the shareware organisation "Europe Shareware" is looking for support in various areas:
As ESNA is a non-profit organisation, all staff must work on a voluntary basis. Further information and detailed job descriptions are available on the website "MagiC Online". (tr) (tr) FreeMiNT 1.15.12 (02.09.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)After various beta versions, an official release of FreeMiNT, the multitasking kernel for all Atari and compatible machines, is available again after a long time. The main changes are:
FreeMiNT is available in various versions for ST, TT, Falcon, Hades and Milan, as well as in source code. (jf) Vision 4.0e (02.09.2001 - 03:10 Uhr)Vision, the freely available graphics program from France, has been released in version 4.0e. This update is all about optimisation and bug fixing. In addition to numerous bug fixes, the scaling and zoom functions in particular have been improved, i.e. they work much faster and require less memory. In addition, the author has restructured the programme by moving various functions to separate modules (LDV libraries). (jf) |
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