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1 million VCS cartridges (08.09.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)Over 1 million (!!!) originally packaged cartridges for the classic consoles Atari VCS 2600 and VCS 7800 are in the inventory of the new online mail order company "ClassicAtari.com". This is the purchase of the entire stock that Atari sold in 1991 when it liquidated its own inventory - at that time a total of 2.3 million cartridges. A total of 30 different titles are currently available. They are sold at a price of only 2 US dollars each. This should ensure a supply for years to come. The new website of the American company is also an experience. There are pictures of the huge warehouse, reports in the media about ClassicAtari.com and a collection of Atari commercials from the 80s in QuickTime® format. From October, Atari T-shirts will also be available for order here. (tr) |
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