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Songbird acquires rights for further games (13.08.2020 - 23:49 Uhr)

The publisher Songbird has acquired the rights for three more titles. Among the classic brands Ishido has been added, known from different systems - for the ST there was unfortunately never an official conversion. Differently than with Skweek and Battlemorph Songbird may convert Ishido to other systems.
Quadromania and Sky Raider will get a new edition. Both games have already been released, either on module or as ROM. The Songbird versions with the additional title "Redux" will be enhanced with better music and graphics, playable revisions and EEPROM support. Quadromania Redux and Sky Raider Redux should be released this autumn. Xump and Biniax 2 have been postponed from 2019 to 2020. As almost standard for recent homebrew releases, all titles will be released as a curved-lip module, like most Atari modules. Further Lynx announcements are likely: The handheld console is experiencing a real revival in the last years.


Songbird Productions

LED backlight for Portfolio (01.08.2020 - 23:51 Uhr)

There are many mini PCs, but none has such a loyal fan community as the Atari Portfolio. One of the most famous names in the pofo scene was Stefan Kächele, who offered a retrofittable backlight for the Portfolio in 1995. Similar kits for HP's palmtops and the Apple MessagePad Newton 2000 followed, and with backlight4you this has become a whole online store that supplies hobbyists with the individual parts.
25 years later he put together a new backlight kit for the portfolio, a modern version based on power-saving LEDs and an especially thin light guide body. For the first time, different light colors are available: warm white, green, orange-yellow, red and daylight white. An installation service is currently not offered. The price depends on the quantity purchased, an LED backlight kit for personal use costs just under 30 euros.


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Cover der aktuellen ST-Computer';
15303 programs total.
Vision 4.9c0 * CloneKeen * Pacmania GEM 1.0 * VDI Effects 1.4 * P2SM (Pixels to Sprites & Masks) 1.2C * Xenon 2: Reloaded 2.1D * Tony - Montezuma's Gold 1.01 * FASTER 1.0 * MyAES 0.99 beta 5 * Ankha by Ankha *
Top software

>Escape Paint
>PixArt 4.5x
>Phoenix 5.5
>HomePage Penguin 3.05
>Icon Extract
>Draconis English Manual
>Rational Sounds 2.0.2
>qed 5.0.2


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