2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner 2003 MyAtari Reader Awards Winner

Iomega Peerless Drive System (06.07.2001 - 08:10 Uhr)

The Peerless storage system from Iomega, which was presented for the first time at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco, is now also available in stores in Germany. One medium of the removable disk storage holds up to 20 GB of data. This is made possible by 2.5-inch hard disks that are plugged into a base station as portable units. This can be connected to the computer via SCSI, FireWire or USB bus. The complete hard disk electronics are hidden in the base station, which leads to a favourable price of the media. A base station with a 20 GB disk costs DM 1149, a 20 GB medium is available for DM 570, 10 GB comes to DM 450. USB versions are already available, SCSI and FireWire versions are to follow. The special feature: the interface modules are interchangeable.
The advantages of the new system are obvious: by separating the actual hard disk from its electronics, larger 2.5-inch disks can also guarantee larger storage media capacities. The price remains comparatively low.

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